
Order history

See the history of your orders or the history of all orders placed under your organization's account in a single page. Sort by order ID or date and use the Advanced search function to find a specific order, or to filter based on item number or description, order status, delivery method or user who placed the order.

How does it work?

  1. Log into the webshop and click on the My account button in the top menu bar to access your Order history page. You can also find it via the quick menu on the homepage.

  2. In the order list, you can sort your orders based on ID, order reference or date placed, user name or status.

  3. For faster results, you can use the Advanced search function, which enables you to filter based on item number or description, user, status of the order, delivery method, order reference, ID or source.

  4. Download the filtered orders in a .csv document for offline use by clicking the Download button at the top of the page.

The Order history page enables you to keep track of your orders' status and navigate through all orders placed under your company's account with ease.

Have questions? Feel free to contact us.