
Chain Clamps and Chain Link Joiners (3 products containing 5 Items)

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  • ERIKS item #:     23544921

    Price (Per piece):
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When supplied in a finite length, a chain must still be adjusted to the correct dimension. In addition, it can sometimes be the case that a closed chain is too long or too short, or that links are being damaged during use.

When the length of a chain is adjusted or damaged links are replaced, the chain must be "broken". It is important that the correct tool is used for this task. "Chain cutting pliers" are generally used to break the chain. The chain cutting pliers, also known as a chain breaker, can be used to quickly and easily adjust a chain to the correct length.

To break the chain, a pin in the chain must be pressed out. To do this, the chain is inserted in the chain cutting pliers. The chain is placed in the designated cleat to allow the pin to be aligned with the thrust piece of the chain cutting pliers. Rotating the chain cutting pliers pushes the thrust piece in and out, thus pushing out the pin and breaking the chain. Adding or removing links is another method of adjusting the chain to the correct length. The chain is closed again with the help of an end link.