
FORMAT Bench hammer with 3-part handletype 6745

Product documents

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Weight (g)
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Engineers hammer 3K graphite 300g FORMAT Engineers hammer 3K graphite 300g ERIKS Item #: 13680664

Catalogue item no 1: 67450300

Price (Per piece):
Engineers hammer 3K graphite 1000g FORMAT Engineers hammer 3K graphite 1000g ERIKS Item #: 13678225

Catalogue item no 1: 67451000

Price (Per piece):
Engineers hammer 3K graphite 1500g FORMAT Engineers hammer 3K graphite 1500g ERIKS Item #: 13678226

Catalogue item no 1: 67451500

Price (Per piece):
Engineers hammer 3K graphite 2000g FORMAT Engineers hammer 3K graphite 2000g ERIKS Item #: 13678229

Catalogue item no 1: 67452000

Price (Per piece):
Weight (g)
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